Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary School dedicates itself to education in the Catholic tradition, which places emphasis upon moral and spiritual formation and seeks excellence in academic pursuit, personal development, the building of the spirit of the community and service to others as Jesus taught.
Based on data from 2022-2023, Nativity of Mary School has been identified as one of the top Catholic Schools in Western New York. Schools were evaluated in the following areas: STAR data, school leadership, enrollment, and finances.
Top 3 overall when assessed in STAR data, school leadership, enrollment, and finances.
#1 in Reading Growth
#3 in Reading Proficiency
#4 in Math Growth
When ranked against other schools in WNY Diocese our retention rate is in the top 3 and our enrollment continues to grow!
Catholic schools offer excellence you can believe in! By choosing to send your child to a Catholic school, you are providing them a unique opportunity to grow in Christ while performing at high academic standards.
Unique to Catholic schools is the opportunity to nurture spiritual and moral values within students. This occurs and is constantly reinforced not only in classes of religious instruction but throughout the curriculum and extracurriculars. The Gospel’s message is taught in our classrooms every day.
Catholic schools are renowned for academic excellence. Students in Catholic schools consistently score in the top 1/3 on nationally standardized tests.
Catholic schools exemplify the importance of living the message of the Gospels by helping others. All of our students participate in community service projects.
In a Catholic school, a child will be encouraged to further his or her education. The total number of Catholic high school graduates who continue their education is approximately 98 percent.
Catholic school students enjoy the benefits of a broad selection of extracurricular activities and sports to develop community commitment, social skills and physical fitness. Approximately 80 percent of Catholic school students participate in these activities.
Parental involvement is a critical part of Catholic schools. From education commissions to home and school associations, to booster clubs and more, Catholic schools look to parents for leadership.
All of our teachers are state certified, prepared and eager to educate your children. The Catholic Schools of the Diocese of Buffalo have over 1,800 teachers, a large percentage of whom hold advanced degrees.
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary School dedicates itself to education in the Catholic tradition, which places emphasis upon moral and spiritual formation and seeks excellence in academic pursuit, personal development, the building of the spirit of the community and service to others as Jesus taught.
Nativity of Mary School’s vision is to fully develop each student’s God-given talent in a respectful, safe, and Christ-centered environment.
Nativity nurtures the following qualities in our students as they mature to Catholic adulthood. Only in Catholic schools are such things possible. Only in Catholic schools can our children’s faith flourish every day.
The Diocese of Buffalo requires all Catholic schools to implement the Diocesan Religion Curriculum which presents an authentic and relevant presentation of the Catholic faith, faithful to the standards and mandates of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). This allows students of all grade levels to be challenged and grow as persons and believers in today’s world. In our Catholic schools, Christian values are incorporated into all aspects of the curriculum.
The Diocesan Elementary Religion Curriculum contains the essential content of Catholic doctrine to be taught at each grade level. Each grade level includes a list of vocabulary words, prayers, and saints that students at each level should have mastered.
Both within and beyond the classroom student take part in the following:
Nativity exemplifies Christ’s teachings by assisting those in need and inspiring life long service.
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